The International Association of Pilots is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations dedicated, comprising academics, practitioners, policy experts, private sector workers and independent researchers, among others. The Association has long served as a central hub for the exchange of ideas and for networking and programmatic initiatives among those involved in the study, teaching and practice of our field.


The International Association of Pilots several E-journals and co-sponsors/collaborates with other Professional Associations.

Core Values

Integrity: Demonstrated by honesty, accountability and ethical behavior consistent with an abiding respect for the dignity and value of individuals.

Transparency: Demonstrated through listening, understanding and responding to member and stakeholder feedback.

Excellence: Demonstrated by quality resources that support growth and development of the individual and the profession.

Collaboration: Demonstrated by an inclusive culture that appreciates the value of diverse perspectives, the power of common vision, and equality among peers.

Ethical Standards

In addition to these core values, the members of the Association seek to maintain the highest of ethical standards, including: to respect and uphold public laws that govern their work; being honest in conducting all business; respecting the confidentiality of information gained through their work; acting fairly; fostering an ethical, inclusive, and diverse culture; and taking responsibility for their conduct.

ISSPA around the world