Is the Association affiliated and recognized by the International Associations Administration?

Yes, we are affiliated and in good standing.

Is the Association affiliated and recognized by the Global Chamber of Commerce?

Yes, we are affiliated and in good standing.

Do you always have free online courses for the members?

Yes, we have several courses that we advertise throughout the year.

Do I need to be a member to have access to the job listings?

Yes, our job listing is only available to members.

The duration of the membership is for the end of the year or for a full year?

The membership is for a year from the day you joined.

Do I get discounts from other professional networks when I join this one?

Yes, as part of the International Associations Administration, this network has agreements and discount with several other networks and educational centers.

I have a business related to this professional network; do you have membership for business?

At this point only individual memberships are accepted.

Can I organize an event in my area?

Yes, just contact us to see the regulations and also for support.

Can I be a leader of the International Association in my area?

Anybody can be a leader in their area; if no local network is there you can ask guidance to start it and if there was one the idea is to rotate all positions in the local networks (President, Vice-president, Secretary…).

How can I participate in events?

You can be a Speaker if you think you can bring some knowledge to the rest, you can assist with the organization or other ways.

Are there group discounts for joining?

No, the membership is individual.

How can I get information about the events and their locations?

The events are sent in the monthly newsletter and the International Events are advertised in the Website.

I am unable to travel; do you have online conferences or seminars?

Yes, at least once a month we have a Virtual seminar/conference.

Do you have merchandise from the Association?

At this point we bring the merchandise to the events; an online shop will be established again shortly.

Do you need personnel for the network?

You can see the needs on the email sent monthly, we always have openings.

Can somebody be expulsed from the network?

That is something that has not happened yet but observance to proper code of conduct is a must in order to have respect and tolerance among all members, especially since the Association has members from all backgrounds and most nationalities.